I was lucky enough to be asked to run a workshop in Swaffam, last week, in the Assembly Rooms. I have to say that it is probably one of the swankiest venues I have ever taught it. The workshop was on customising shopping bags, the little cotton bags that can fold happily in your handbag, to come out in case of emergency... very green. We had a lot of fun. We used freezer paper to make stencils, and then, after painting with fabric paint, wrapped the handles with fibres, and made and added a beaded charm and/or a ribbon bow (pink, of course!). As you can see, many participants made flower based bags, but one enterprising young gentleman called Harry drew a great car, which I turned into a stencil for him. He painted it with great gusto, added his name at the bottom and went off happily. Sadly, I didn't get a photo; it was a great bag!
I rarely work with kids, and had a great time with them. They are, by and large, much less scared of experimenting than adults are, and seemed to have a great time. Even the teenage girls With Attitude managed a smile... but only one. Must Do More...