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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I woke this morning with no voice to speak of...or should that be, with? Not that it bothered Robin unduly, as he left the house on autopilot before 5am, to catch the early shuttle to Amsterdam. What a gadabout! It did disrupt my day quite convincingly, though. I had intended to go to Helen's workshop and take some photographs for my soon to be finished website (I have to keep telling myself that to encourage myself a bit, it's hard work this website stuff, and I'm not doing anything technical at all). But somehow, Spreading Germs didn't seem like a good thing to do, so I cancelled, made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow and...well...did some housework. I figured I felt rotten anyway, so I might as well use the time constructively. And I now have a nice tidy downstairs, ready for an assortment of visitors.

Now, that's the third time I've typed this post. Every time I've tried to add a picture, the machine has this time, I'm sending it without one. The photograph I tried, and failed, to send, is of another of the pieces I'm experimenting with, the randomly cut pieces of handdye with some stitch. This new one made me think of Beauty and the Beast At The Disco. Now that's rather a long title for a very small (journal sized) maybe The Hustle will do instead...

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