you add this woman to this mess? Answer....she tidies up!!! I watched Sandy Marcoux as she gently wandered round my sewing room, picking up a bit here, and a bit there, and putting it who knows where? I surely don't. All I did was to take her up to the cloth studio to admire my new machine, and off she went. Ask her how long it has taken to unpack her own sewing room (snigger).
Actually, apart from the attempt to tidy up my cloth studio (and who can blame's always nice to be able to see where you're walking...), we had a good time. Played with some lutradur, stitched on a quilt or two, laughed a lot, ate more than we ought, perhaps, went to the pub... all in all a very civilised time was had by all concerned. Perhaps we should consider a UK Bloggers retreat this summer...what do you think?
Good idea! You can all pop over to New Zealand for a long weekend!
What more could I want, you ask on my blog? Well, a good man, that's what I'm missing. And I can't work out how to make one!
That sounds like a fun idea! I'm just beginning to drive again so I might actually have enough courage to go somewhere by the summer!
I think we should just send Sandy round the UK on a Tidy Tour, will feed and water regularly:)
Hey great pic of Sandy I'm so glad you had a good weekend, and she is a good girl isn't she:):)
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