I spent most of today in Norwich. The group that came out of the Creating Community workshop meets on a Friday informally, for coffee and conversation. Five of us had a happy time talking about all sorts of stuff, from Christmas to drum kits. Eventually, I ended up with Barbara, looking at a beautiful photography exhibition. As we left the Forum, I asked if she wanted to join me for lunch...and we went to my favourite place in Norwich, the Cafe Parisien. The food is good, the folk are friendly and the sofas are comfy. It turns out that Barbara, one of the few people I know in Norwich, knows Romain, the owner, one of the other few people I know there, really well. Quite what the chances of that happening, I don't know, but it seems remote. And there I was, in the middle of a reunion, unable to get a word in edgeways... a situation I'm not familiar with at all!
I also managed to get a couple of bargains...some cheap oil paint (hurrah!), and some interesting foam rollers, lots in a bag at a really low price. So a good day was had all round, and all the suprises were good ones. Tomorrow, though, I hope to get back to painting, if it doesn't get altogether too hot; temps in the 90s are expected over the weekend, and it's no fun painting in the attic when it's that hot. I painted yesterday, more of the 'In More Than One Language' series. I'm finding it frustrating. I usually work very quickly, often making a painting in one fell swoop (or alla prima, if you want the technical term...). This series requires me to make layer over layer, and oil paint takes a whilie to dry, so I have to wait between layers. I don't like it, much. I'm finding the process frustrating. I don't have a vision of what any given piece 'should' look like, but it's hard to have patience and wait as the images build up. Perhaps that's why I'm also struggling with QFATT: same series, different medium. It's faster, working in layer in textiles, but the same premise applies. I don't have that 'vision', but I know the piece isn't right, yet. So I need to continue the conversation I'm having with the paint and the cloth... and wait. One of the paintings I worked on yesterday is the picture today...it looks interesting, in my opinion, but not right. Back to the easel...as if that were a hardship!