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Friday, March 31, 2006

Normal Service...

is resuming, slowly. I've got an inner ear infection, which upsets my balance a bit, so I've been in bed the last couple of days. Completely idle, which, for me, is unusual; if I'm in bed, I'm usually doing something. Art related of course...drawing, or sometimes hand stitching.

But now to get back on something that loosely resembles a track. When is a quilt not a quilt? Why, when it's a sculpture. And, in this case, a book. I've been working with lutradur again. I thought it would create an interesting book, and indeed, so it does. I enjoy making sculptural books, things that you can play with, look at from different angles and perspectives. These are very simple to make, yet incredibly effective.

I do bind books, now and again, and enjoy it when I do, but I'd rather be sewing. Or painting. So in future, I'm intending to pass cloth to Helen, who makes books faster than I do, and save my time for other things. Just because I know how to, doesn't mean I have to do it!


nan said...

>>Just because I know how to, doesn't >>mean I have to do it
Boy, is THAT something I need to learn! Also saying no once in a while. Well, I guess I do say no - to myself - which is what I do everytime I say yes to someone else's request. Marion, you're a good role model for me!!

jenclair said...

"Lovely lutradur" -- I love what you do with it!

Digitalgran said...

I must try and get some of this lutradur if this is what it looks like.
I hope you feel 100% soon.