Depends on how you look at it, really. Not, judging by the washing line, a nice, colourful affair. Small vintage cloths, painted ready to go under lutradur. A couple of larger pieces, including yet another dark brown, this one likely to remain as whole cloth; the orange through it is intruiguing. The cloth next to it is linen, overdyed three times now, intended for a jacket, a loose, unlined summer affair. Sally has one, but I never got round to making one for myself. But that will probably have to wait, preferably til I've lost weight, so that it actually is loose...sigh. It's good cloth, though...
On Saturday, we went to a craft fair at Sandringham, one of the royal estates, which isn't too far from here. On the way, I was planning a happy post about how wonderful it all was...but actually, it wasn't. Hardly any textile work at all; I'm afraid I can't count the woman selling 'quilts' (10" squares of what looked like upholstery fabric stitched together and 'quilted' in the ditch. One or two good potters, and a couple of glassblowers who were demonstrating their art, looking rather like magician and assistant. Some wonderful woodworking, some bobbin lace makers...and the rest a combination of 'collectibles', usually fussy little ceramics, and imported clothing. Disappointing. I had hoped for inspiration, and got it, not from the artists there, but from the birds. There was a falconry exhibit, and I'm always drawn to these incredible birds; flight, focus and fierceness, all in a relatively small package (except the owls, of course, big birds, the owls...).
Today, we're off for lunch with friends near Norwich Cathedral. The temperatures are supposed to soar today, and it looks as if that will indeed be the case, so perhaps sunscreen would be A Good Thing...
I just love this kind of washing line. Beautiful cloths - I particularly like the look of that dark browny one towards the middle.
Ooooh! Great fabrics! I love the brown and orange one and the overprinted/dyed one on the right. There are some intriguing glimpses on the pile below too.
It must be your talk of birds but, can you see owls in the brown/orange cloth?
like everyone else, I love the browny coloured one. Shame that you dont see more decent textile art at craft fairs.
Um, I thought I was going to be original and say that the brown ones were my faves, but I see that everyone else agrees. They really are very lovely!
lovely washing line, looks like some interesting amnd fun dye works. I'm enjoying my discovery of your blog.
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