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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What You See...

is not always what there is. Or perhaps, more correctly, what you see need not be the only thing there is. The two photographs are both from the same original, a photo of some of my dyed scrim. The original is pretty boring; a piece of cloth draped on a sofa, nice colours, and that's about it. However, if you looked a bit longer, and harder, there was an interesting shape or two in the way the cloth draped over the arm of the sofa. So I copied it, and then manipulated the images in Paint Shop Pro. The cloth itself will doubtless be used in the making of a 3D piece, a water piece. But no matter what I do with the cloth, the photographs can be changed as often as I wish, and used for any number of projects. The camera may never lie, but the software tells all sorts of different truths. Arashi specialises in this sort of thing, making fascinating images out of digital photographs. I wonder how many more of us are using the technology to make our own unique, textile inspired works?


Terri said...

The images are lovely Marion. Can't wait to see what you produce with the cloth. I adore your hand-dyes. :o)

arashi said...

Thank you, Marion. I would add that digital techniques do not require a photo as basis. One can "paint" aa new image of one's own. That is the beauty of the medium.


arashi said...

by the way. Send me that photo and let me play with it. The textile is beaautiful by the way as is your manipulation.

Elle said...

Those are really cool. I love both the colors and sinuous lines.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

These look like those really closeup microscopic pictures. Big scale/little scale, all the same patterns repeat don't they? I like this idea of dyeing and then manipulating the photo from there, intriguing. Thanks Marion!