In an earlier post, I talked about a collaborative piece I'm in the process of making with Thelma Smith. Now, here it is again, but with (yet) another layer added to it. I think this will be the last, though I may have to consider what to do with the edges (probably nothing, I hate the look of binding, and don't want to face...but I digress).
The piece has been troubling me ever since I wrote the original post. I knew what was wrong with it, I just didn't know how to fix it. The problem was a lack of cohesion in the piece. There are at least three layers in the piece, each with its own distinctive marks, its own meaning...added together, and they make a fourth layer, which somehow fuses the marks and meanings together. But that doesn't necessarily mean that that is enough. I felt as if the fourth layer was warring with the other three. And I couldn't work out what to do about it. I had suggested foil to Thelma, who agreed, but somehow that didn't seem right.
Today, finishing off a couple of other pieces (more on that tomorrow...), I started drawing on the piece with a metallic gutta. That added more texture, the metallic gleam I wanted, and somehow seemed to pull the piece together. I have the feeling that I should consider adding more stitch to reinforce the drawing, but I also have the feeling that that would be too much...it would confuse the issue (more than it is already). But at last, the piece has cohesion. It has a mood and a meaning of its own. What more could I want? Well, a title would be nice, but doubtless that will come too, in the fullness of time. Actually... In The Fullness Of Time is a good title...
Well. That's done, then. Onwards and upwards.
Way to go, Marion! Cohesion at last. I'm so glad you put your blog URL in your tag line with your name. It encourages me to get here more often.
I see a face peaking out of this piece. Is it intential, did it just happen, or am I the only one who sees it?
The face certainly isn't intentional, though I do get faces appearing 'as if by magic' in my work...where do you see this particular one?
Left of center. Looks like alien blue eyes to me!
It's in the nature of the human brain to see faces in almost any set of random (or not-so-random) shapes. Babies react to anything faintly facial from birth, and I see them everywhere...
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