to England from Edinburgh. Back to work from...I would have said relaxing, but it was a busy few days, and I think I need a holiday from my holiday, now! As Sandy had never been to Scotland before, we did some touristy things, but the trip to Dirleton Castle was as much business as pleasure; Andrew and Sarah will be married there next year, so we wanted to go and look at the venue, and the hotel they've chosen for afterwards. As you can see from the photo, the colours in the walls of the castle are amazing, and the area in which the ceremony will take place is very impressive. I think there's a painting in there, somewhere, or a quilt...but for now, I'm focussing on the last of the quilts for the show in Lyon next month. It'll just have to wait in the queue...and there's always a queue...
Of course, we had to eat while there...and we went to a Mongolian restaurant. It was by way of celebrating four non-birthdays; Andrew was 25 last month, Robin's mother had a birthday the week before, I have a birthday this week and Robin has a landmark birthday next month. Our friends Alison and Michael came to celebrate with us, and much fun was had. No cake, though. Sigh. I'll have to make one for myself, I think... We did have balloons, though, large ones with 50 prominent on them...oh, did I tell? Oops!
More sightseeing, and a long drive back home on Sunday. It was wonderful to see everyone, but it's great to be home and back to work. 'Swirl', the last quilt for Lyon, is half quilted, the sleeves are to be made and added, labels too. Not to mention the packs for the workshop. It will be fun, though...and I hope to squeeze in some dyeing, too.