....is wearing this year. The big chunk of navy blue cloth is for Sally, to make a binding. Out of shot is the shirt I overdyed from sludge to navy blue at the same time...Robin says he's happy to wear it now. And then there's all that paper. Given that it was such a lovely day yesterday, I went out to paint with some transfer dye. I'm designing a couple of workshops, so I needed to try those ideas out, and, to be honest, it has been a while since I was creative just for the sake of it, so that was important, too. I did have fun! Later on, I transferred some of the dye to cloth, but that's another picture for another day...
Today, I'm planning to transfer a bit more dye to lutradur, and go to the postoffice to send Sally her cloth (unironed, I know she'll only wash it again!), and maybe do a bit more dyepainting...or not...there's not much dye left of that batch, perhaps it'll have to wait til later... It feels good to be busy with these things, instead of admin or work for something else that isn't art...hurrah for Spring.
1 comment:
And Sally is very grateful for her lovely navy fabric!!!!!!!
Haven't ironed it yet but this cotton sateen just glows
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