leads to another; you know how it is... I recently rejoined the Quilters Guild of the United Kingdom which is currently engaged in a project called 'Little Gems'. Quilters are asked to make a journal-sized quilt (or two...or ten...), which will be offered in a tombola at Festival of Quilts this year. Since I'm at FOQ all week, I thought that the least I could do was offer a quilt...and may well make a couple, depending on how my time goes. So... I made a small quilt, and took a photograph of it (the first one you see here). And then I read the instructions, which said I had to finish the edges somehow. So, as the piece is made from lutradur, felt and pelmet vilene, non of which fray, I added a simple line of machine stitching, just to hold the piece together right the way round. That was the idea, anyway.
What actually happened was that the quilt said, you know, that bit over there could do with a bit more stitch... and that bit there... and what's more, don't I look much better the other way round, now that you've done that? I had to agree with all of this, of course...and discovered that I had, all unknowing, created another Flying Dreams quilt. The top image is the finished item, while the image below is the quilt before the additions. I'd love to hear which you prefer (but I'm not taking the stitching out again!!!).
I've just submitted it to the Guild for inclusion on the Little Gems Blog, where you can see the submissions so far, and find the instructions for making one of these wee beauties. You don't have to be a Guild member to take part, just have a desire to support the only dedicated quilt museum in Europe... so how about it?