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Friday, July 20, 2007


There is a group of three images that hangs on the wall in the hallway near the door, that is regularly admired by visitors old and new. It's not one of mine, but is by my friend Rob Curson, whom I met through The Well, a Norwich artists' group. Some time ago, we talked about collaborating, but we lost touch. We met up recently, however, and this is the tentative first stages of a result. One of Rob's drawings, in process, made on cotton, with added stitching from me. We intend to pass this piece back and forwards until we agree it's done, and start again...

I'm having fun with this, and I do hope Rob is, too. I think that part of what a collaboration does is to allow us to understand the other person's work better, and the other part, that we understand our own better, also. I've already found myself challenging my own way of working in order to participate in this, and I think that's a good thing. We'll keep you informed of progress; sadly, Rob isn't on the web at present, but if you're interested in his work, let me know and I'll put you in contact.


Dianne said...

I remember his work and it is great..
This is a brilliant idea, working with another artist on one piece.
Its looking great already, I'll keep watching for updates..

Julie said...

This sounds like a really interesting idea. It must be very exciting to get the piece back and see what has changed since you last worked on it. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Maybe too it is the journey that is important here as much as the outcome.......