is a small piece, lutradur over a piece of felt that had fibres and cloth embellished onto it. I'm debating with myself, whether or not to burn out the places where the embellished bits are, to give some contrast in texture and colour. I think I may do so.
Kate goes home tomorrow night, but is likely to return to spend at least part of the summer with me. I'm busy, busy, and she will help me out with some of the admin type work that needs doing, so that I can keep track of things. I know how to do admin, but somehow it never gets done, so an extra pair of hands to set up the systems I need would be very welcome. And Kate gets to play in the shed, which is always a bonus for an art lover! She has started her own etsy shop, Kate's Collection, and has already had her first sale; we're both delighted! Please do click on the link to her shop, and see what she's up to.
By the way... SiteMeter tells me that I've had 49 936 visitors to my blog. I'll be looking out for the 50 000th, which should be some time this week...there will be a small piece of work waiting to go out to that person...providing we can work out who it is! I'm sure that won't be too difficult!