Ever wondered what a creative coach does? Well, I have tried to explain here, but there is nothing like hearing it from someone other than the coach! I'm featured on Anna's blog, Serendipity, here, so if you would like to see what I do, click on the link and find Anna's story.
When we get stuck, I think it is because we lose sight of what is important to us. Sometimes it takes a conversation with someone else, someone unrelated, to help us to see what is in front of our own noses. When I work with people, I remind them that they are the expert in their own process; I'm just a sounding board. Any answers you come up with during a session belong to you, not to me. I'm delighted that Anna got so much from her session with me. I'll be following up with her in a week's time, just to see how she is doing. I think it's essential, when you get an injection of enthusiasm, that you follow it through. Support is something we all need.
Of course, you don't need to be stuck to work with a coach. You might just have the feeling that there is another direction you could be taking, if only you knew what it was... Talking to a coach about your work can show you that hidden path. Or maybe you aren't sure about the direction you are going in, or just plain what direction to take. A conversation with a coach can clear that up in your own head, which, of course, is all that's needed. Or maybe you need to learn a particular skill, like managing your time, or how to motivate yourself. Working with a coach can sort that out, and help you to create a process that is tailored to your needs.
I've been asked about the book I'm writing currently, too, so I thought I'd mention it here, as it is related to the coaching. 'Extending The Zone' pretty much covers all the things I've mentioned here. I wanted to write a book that combined my art experience with my self development management experience. All the tools I've used in business, like time management, apply in the art world, too. It's just a question of tailoring them to suit each individual, and the book is written in such a way as to encourage you to work in your own way, in your own pace, and tailor the process to meet your needs. I hope it will be out in the Spring...it's nearly finished! It will appear as both an Ebook and a printed book, so you will have a choice.
So, that's what I'm up to at present. Working on the book, and working with other people, as well as making my own work. And of course, working on Exquisite Evolon, the follow up to Lovely Lutradur. I'm having a really good time, I have to say, combining all the things I love to do...just like this coach recommends!
yeah sometimes talking to someone sparks my creativeness.
Marion - Put my name down for a copy of the book - I really have learnt a lot from our conversation and would like to keep a constant reminder!!
Congratulations Marion for being able to wear your many hats and combine them in a meaningful way. Good luck with book and other ventures (or are they adventures?).
Interesting--how did you get into the coaching business? I've always been curious about doing that (Besides my art, I'm also a writing tutor and teacher, but I find I prefer tutoring--the non-evaluative, helpful, one-on-one nature of it--to teaching by far, and i've been trying to figure out careers that would allow me to pursue that knack)
Will be awaiting this book!
Would truly love to read your book when it comes out. Please keep us informed as to dates. I've always been a people person and in my job I deal with many different people on a daily basis. I get so much from the input with these people...they keep me focused and on a straight path. They renew in me the paths I have chosen for myself....Thank you for the lovely blog today....:)
I bet you are a fabulous coach. You have such great advice and reminders on the blog. Congrats on the new path!
having a coach means being not left alone. Wow, what could be better than that. Thank you for you are. Even your presence heals the mournings and inspire the wish to seek for the beauty.
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