are rare for me. I had the childhood from hell, and it's difficult to remember things about it, presumably because they have been edited out for very good reasons. One thing I do remember, though, and it is, unsurprisingly, an image. I was given a children's bible, and there was a striking image of the Virgin Mary, presumably just after the conversation she had with the angel who came to her. The subtitle was 'And Mary pondered those things, and held them close in her heart'. Or words to that effect.
I'm not a Christian, any more. I have spiritual beliefs, that I won't bore you with, some of which are not unlike a number of the beliefs held by believers of a variety of faith. But for some reason, probably the same reason that finds me in the car, belting out a traditional singers' version of 'I To The Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes', that image and quotation stayed with me. When I made the painting above, I didn't understand what it was saying. And then, one day, that quotation popped unbidden into my mind. And in my eyes, at least, there's Mary, trying to come to terms with some remarkable news, with an angel, or someone, in the background, looking on. For she must have done a lot of thinking, over a long period of time, before the birth; we all do.
I'm not trying to offend anyone, here... just taking that story, that thought, that memory, and making art with it. I rather like the piece (a small oil painting). If you are interested, there are more images here
I love your thoughts on your newest painting. I have had similar experiences and find it very cathartic while
doing these works. It is lovely.
Thanks for sharing a piece of your story. This painting is lovely and even more so now that I know a little bit of what's behind it!!
I'm sorry to hear that you had a horrible childhood - despite my parents both marrying and divorcing twice, I recall many happy things - though mainly to do with childhood activites like bike riding, climbing trees, catching fish, playing at the beach and so on.Perhaps I just focused on that stuff rather than the fact we weren't a happy family. I've tried to make a childhood for my children that they will look back on happily.
Anyway, I like your painting and observations.
beautiful and inspiring
Sorry about your childhood :(
you are strong i know it
Thanks for sharing your story of this painting Marion. I can identify with a difficult childhood.
i like this painting. maybe it's the blue, but it has some sort of special serenity.
neki desu
I love this one. There's an early renaissance annunciation in which the expression on Mary's face is so incredulous, it makes me smile every time I see it. Sometimes panic IS the sane response.
I to don't recall to many happy childhood stuff so I can relate and sympathiuze with you.
I love how you can bring that into your art , lovley painting really interesting..
What an interesting post; I can identify with most of what you say. I love the art work here. Thanks for sharing.
:o) Hugs.
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