The Scots have a word for everything. Wabbit is just how I'm feeling, run down, a bit wobbly on the pins, tired...not ill, exactly, just recovering. So I spent part of the time looking at paintings, intending to take some photographs. I had forgotten how many smaller paintings I've made...these two are interesting. They were made at around the same time, with the same palette, but how different they are. The first, Tranquil, was a reflection of how fleeting such moments are; the second, Signs and Totems, is another of those paintings that reflects how our minds struggle to make sense of the marks we see, whether random or structured. Are these indeed signs and totems, or are they but random marks? Is there a story here, or not?
I also found myself waking to a fleeting moment of fame, I'm featured here , to my great delight. I find Dawanda a difficult environment to be in, but I'm hoping things will settle all three languages!
Despite all the things I need to be doing, I'm going to rest some more today, and hope that I can start shopping for Christmas next week, in between hospital and dentist appointments (I lead such an exciting life...). And then to Scotland, friends and family, food and feasting...sounds good, huh ?
Love it Marion. Reminds me of a cave painting.
Your Christmas sounds great ;0)
Beautiful work Marion ... love the colors - it truly pulls you in!
Both are lovely, Marion. Some similar yet so different and both lovely in their own way. Thank you for the new word for my vocabulary! Wabbit...I have felt that way many times I just didn't know it had a name. Christmas in Scotland sound wonderful!!! You can't find anything better than friends, family, food and feasting!
love the top one Marion - Tranquility
Hope you are the way to feeling better
These are lovely; I really like the second one. I think there's a story in pretty much everything! Hope you feel better soon :-) Look after yourself.
Not to make light of your illness...but when I saw "wabbit" all I could think of was Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny (that "wascaly wabbit"....just another example of differing colloquilisms.
(hope you are feeling better)
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