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Saturday, December 16, 2006


you have turned over the whole of the upstairs house looking for a quilt top, and it's nowhere to be found, you can do either of two things. You can either give up, or you can go back to where you started. In my case, that was the conservatory. Usually by this time of year the conservatory is too cool to work in, but this winter is so incredibly mild that I went to sit there with a cup of coffee on Friday morning. There I was on the sofa, looking at a pile of books on top of a see through plastic box. In the box was a piece of fabric that looked remarkably like, nay, was Nefertiti. Hurrah!!!

So, it was straight up to the bedroom to iron her, and her backing, and fuse them together. As you can see, Millie and Advo will take any opportunity to get in on the act. As befits an Egyptian Queen, Nefertiti is guarded by Millie. Advo, though, is no respecter of persons, queenly or not. When I popped the backing down, on he got. Millie, disgusted, ran away...just in case. Egyptian royalty was divine, dontcha know... Today, though, Nefertiti is being stitched. I'm really quite excited by the results, but you'll have to wait to see if we're selected before I share the full picture.


Purple Missus said...

You know that saying 'I can feel your pain' - well, I can actually feel your excitement when you found 'her'! Isn't life grand (sometimes) :)

Dianne said...

Hey Woman I was just gonna tell you that, I was telling Tonnice you were shoeing it to us in the conservity ooppps to late. but I'm real glad you found it...
Now I can hardly wait to see it done, I was lucky enough to see all your fabulous things in person
you funny lady you.. hugs

Dianne said...

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I was so excited.. Thats my story and I'm sticken to it..

Unknown said...

Congrats on the US show! I hope it is one that shows in the Chicago area so I can see your work in person. Can't wait to see the unveiling of Nefertiti.

Terri said...

Nice to see Advo again. I see he hasn't slimmed down any. ;o)