I'd like to say I was turning over a new leaf... and given the subject matter of the images, I guess that's appropriate. I was talking in my last post about making different stitched versions of images. The photographs here are my first attempt at that. As I felt that the first version worked well, the second variant simply has more intense stitching. These are very small pieces; I can't give you exact measurements as they are at home and I'm not (avoiding the resurfacing work going on outside by working in the gallery today). The third variant will probably have minimal stitching. In a way, this is not the best example of the kind of thing I will be doing, because it is so unambiguous in its structure. Other images are much more abstract and therefore open to much broader interpretations.
I intend to mount all these works, and frame some of them. I'm no longer very comfortable with unframed work. Of course, this means that I won't be able to enter quilt shows with these works, unless I make work specifically for that purpose, but I don't suppose that's much of a problem.